The Best Green Smoothie

The best green smoothie you will ever eat!

Smoothies are a quick and easy breakfast that packs a delicious punch. One of my favorites is this tropical green smoothie. It is surely the best green smoothie! The sweet banana and mango blend up perfectly with non-dairy yogurt and almond milk to create the creamiest, most delicious breakfast. You won’t even taste the leafy greens!

the best green smoothie in a glass cup

The Secret To The Best Green Smoothie?

The secret to the best green smoothie is non-dairy yogurt. The acidy and fat in non-dairy yogurt balances the sweet, fruit flavor and make the smoothie extra creamy and filling. Additionally, most non-dairy yogurts contain live active cultures that support healthy digestion. Feel free to use your favorite brand. However, I suggest using the pain flavor.

A Powerful Punch Of Nutrition!

I love using Blender Bombs in smoothies. These plant-powered smoothie bombs are made with a combination of nuts, seeds, dates, and a little organic raw honey to make your smoothies extra filling and nutritious. They are packed with fiber, protein, and vitamins, and minerals. For the best green smoothie, I used the Aloe & Irish Sea Moss flavor.

the ingredients of the best green smoothie in a blender

Step 1: Start With The Base

First, add 1 cup of non-dairy milk to the blender. I prefer non-dairy milk as it makes the smoothie very creamy, but water or juice works well too. I use unsweetened almond milk as it pairs well with the other flavors.

Step 2: Add The Fruit

Second, add one frozen banana and a cup of frozen mango. The banana gives the smoothies a sweet vanilla + honey flavor and thick, creamy texture, while the mango adds floral notes. I prefer the flavor and texture of frozen fruit over fresh, but either works well.

Step 3: Make It Filling

Add non-dairy yogurt and a blender bomb for healthy fats and protein. Not only do these ingredients make the smoothie very creamy but filling too. I use coconut yogurt as I think the subtle coconut flavor complements the banana and mango, but feel free to use your favorite kind.

Step 4: Sneak In Veggies

Lastly, add leafy greens to make the smoothie nutritious. I used spinach as its subtle flavor is masked by the sweet fruit, but kale and chard will work well too. I also added a small thumb of fresh ginger for a little kick.

& that’s it! 7 ingredients, one bowl, and 10 minutes for the best green smoothie!

The Best Green Smoothie


  • 1 cup almond milk

  • 1 banana frozen

  • 1 cup mango frozen

  • 1 cup spinach

  • 1/4 cup non-dairy yogurt

  • 1/2 Tbs fresh ginger

  • 1 Aloe & Irish sea moss Blender Bomb


  1. Add all of the ingredients to a blender and blend until smooth. Pour into a glass and enjoy!

If you liked this recipe, check out my other breakfast recipes like this berry almond butter smoothie.

If you try this recipe out, tag me on Instagram @sarahandspices and hashtag i#sarahandspices, so I can see your delicious re-creations! And as always, I love it when you share your reviews in the comments below. Sarah xx


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